Big Brother – Amber’s Anti-Semitic Comments – SHAME ON YOU!
FOLLOW UP – Sunday, August 27, 2007
IF you are a follower of Big Brother 8, you see that Amber is not the sharpest tac in the box, but she seems to be a loyal person to those she is sligned with.Â
I still do not forgive her for what she said about the Jewish Community, however, I would like to think once she gets out of the Big Brother house and realizes the ruckus she created with her unthinking remarks and wrong attitude perhaps she will see fit to publicly apologize and re-evaluate how she judges ethnic groups – Jewish or not.
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / The Greeting Card Maven
Original Post – August 10, 2007
While this is out of place on this site, so were the comments made by Amber, one of the house guests on this Seasons Big Brother 8 on Channel 2.
I am an avid fan of Big Brother. I guess you can say it is my dirty little summer secret! It has always been entertaining and fun UNTIL this season/Big Brother Season 8.’s entertaining and fun most seasons. This season is more hurtful than most, but that is not what I am writing this about.
I decided to try out the trial membership to the 24/7 Big Brother Live Feeds. Big Brother blacks out the screens when they are doing certain things and/or do not want us hear what is going on. However, it baffles me why Big Brother “did not” black out the screens when Amber went on a rant about New York City Jews and I guess we could say about Jews in general.  She went on about it for a long enough period that it should not have gone unnoticed.
NOTE: I was not going to link to it, but I decided I would. Here is one of the stories.Â
As a Jewish woman I am appalled and find her behavior quite unforgivable. People cannot be “selectively spiritual” when it suits them!  Big Brother should give her the boot! Her behavior is certainly inappropriate! I would not want to be her when she leaves the Big Brother house and finds her words in her own voice all over the Internet! That in itself is a punishment that I would not want to live through! If you watch the show you will see her crying a good deal of the time… Now for sure… she will have something real to cry about!
I wonder if the news crews visited Amber’s family as she stated that they felt the same way about “Jews!” What a claim to fame!Â
I hope you will forgive me for posting this on a relatively happy and good-natured website.
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / The Greeting Card Maven
Posted in General