Shavuot eCards by Roz Fruchtman of Say It With eCards
A new selection of Shavuot eCards has been uploaded to the Say It With eCards member area. The Shavuot eCards come in two flavors:
Hebrew Shavuot eCards / Hebrew Shavuos eCards
Shavuot eCards / Shavuos eCards – Generic (NOT Hebrew)
My passion for design and wanting to make a difference in Judaic/Jewish Communication alone is incentive to join. You ARE NEVER at a loss of what to send! Last night I could not sleep and found myself designing more Shavuot eCards along with a few other categories.Â
To see the entire Say It With eCards Collection of more than 2,700 Judaic eCards please visit:
Please take time for yourself and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / The Greeting Card Maven
Posted in General, Shavuot / Shavuos